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Sam: The Cat Without a Tail

Gloria Lintermans
Sam: The Cat Without a Tail

About the Book

Sam: The Cat Without a Tail. It is a children’s picture book. Sam, the central character, is a Manx cat, and so, sports a soft puff of white fur instead of a tail. This is Sam’s story, his discovery that he is, indeed, different than most cats, his heartbreak over this discovery, and finally, how he resolves these feelings.

More than ever, we need if not an understanding, then certainly a tolerance for diversity. Parents reading this story with their children can use this it as a springboard to talk about how people come in all shapes, sizes and colors, yet each is wonderful and “right” in their own way.

Gloria Lintermans is a publisher author and had been a syndicated fashion and beauty columnist for 25 years. She believes that there is a great need for children to understand that it is our differences that make each of us special and this world a peaceful world in which to live.

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