Ann Medlock
Outing the Mermaid
Writer Ann Medlock founded the nonprofit Giraffe Heroes Project to honor people who stick their necks out for the common good and to encourage others to follow their lead. Her driving force is a deep concern for the health of the body politic, which she is certain will die without engaged, courageous citizens. She also has recently published her book, Outing the Mermaid, with Blooming Twig.
Giraffe Heroes materials for kids are in kindergarten-through-high-school classes in all 50 states and in American schools abroad.
Medlock blogs at the Project’s website and at her own. She’s been speechwriter to US politicians and to the Aga Khan, and has spoken, written and/or taught in Kobe, Kinshasa, Saigon, Beijing and Moscow as well as in Chicago, Washington DC and New York City.
She now lives, leads the Giraffe team, and writes (heroes’ profiles, blogs, opeds, fiction and poetry) on an island in the Pacific Northwest.
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Ann Medlock
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